About Red Heron

Our Central Belief

At Red Heron, we don't compare and contrast traumatic experiences. Trauma isn't a spectrum, nor is it a competition. Regardless of the event or events that took place in the past, what matters is that we responded to them by being traumatized. Red Heron is about validating that response and helping everyone turn their emotional landscape into a safe and welcoming place.
Red Heron is much more than a treatment model for survivors of trauma. It’s a social movement. It’s a source of pride. It’s empowerment to make our own decisions. It’s about taking life back from those who would take it from us. Red Heron is not a moral directive. It doesn’t judge. It doesn’t blame. It doesn’t focus on responsibility for past events, only on ownership of the future. Just as there are myriad ways to inflict trauma, everyone responds to their own trauma in highly individual ways. Red Heron, then, is the answer to scripted, cookie-cutter treatment options enforced by professionals who, while well-meaning, will not feel as we do even if they have experienced our trauma.

By owning our experiences, we become empowered to architect the changes we need to see and feel in our lives. Red Heron provides the foundation for building the ultimate safe space. The form that space takes, however, is up to us. Students of Red Heron are encouraged to take safe, measured steps to overcome past trauma and design a future free from the echoes of history.

Welcome to the #redheron nation. We’re glad you’re here.